Young, Black & Involved: Kennedy Thorne

Who: Kennedy Thorne, 24  What: Creator of YourPainHasPurpose (YPHP)  Why: Creator of a platform that helps people with their mental health   Kennedy Thorne went through a phase where many young people go through where she was searching for an identity and constantly comparing where she was to other people. Many times, Thorne became depressed because she did not think she was where she should have been in her life and did not get certain tasks done … Continue reading Young, Black & Involved: Kennedy Thorne

Young, Black & Involved: Bianca Ford

Who: Bianca Ford, (Known as thatgirlvonnii) 24 What: A qualified mental health professional Why: A mental health advocate, dealt with family members having mental illnesses Throughout high school, Bianca Ford always noticed problems with her family. She noticed her mother was loud, and angry at the world, and was curious about what was wrong with her.  Growing up, Ford heard stories about having family members that drink themselves to death and … Continue reading Young, Black & Involved: Bianca Ford

Young, Black & Involved: Martha Tesema

Who: Martha Tesema, 28 What: Works as a Content Strategist at Shine, a female-focused SMS- based platform Why: She works at a platform that helps and cares for people’s mental and emotional health Martha Tesema has always been anxious as a child but did not take her anxiety seriously because there was often a stigma around mental health and not discussed enough in cultures. Tesema’s … Continue reading Young, Black & Involved: Martha Tesema

Young, Black & Involved: Miana Bryant

This monthly feature will be about Black young adults who experienced mental health struggles and are advocating on behalf of others. WHO: Miana Bryant, 24 WHAT: Founder of The Mental Elephant WHY: She is the Founder of a mental health organization that helps people with their mental health In High School, Miana Bryant dealt with depression and general anxiety. She was battling with the stress of trying to graduate … Continue reading Young, Black & Involved: Miana Bryant