Ways to Cope with Job Search Anxiety when Graduating College

You feel happy when you graduate college and obtain a degree but soon that happiness fades away, and you’re in the “real world” where you must work to survive. You get anxiety when you fill out that job application, you hit the submit button, you hope, you pray to get that Congratulations call or email, but you get the “Thank you for your interest.” That crushes … Continue reading Ways to Cope with Job Search Anxiety when Graduating College

Sonia Ross: Some are Unaware they are experiencing Intergenerational Trauma.

Sonia Ross launched her Full Circle Therapy Service (FCTS) in May of 2017, on her birthday. She is in her 40s and lives with her family in Maryland. She is the author of Master Your Depression: A Black Woman’s Guide to Emotional Wellness.  In the interview below Ross shares her expertise on Intergenerational Trauma, the signs and symptoms, recovery options, and advice to young people … Continue reading Sonia Ross: Some are Unaware they are experiencing Intergenerational Trauma.

Richard Rowe: “Find a Person you can Trust. Don’t Suppress Your Feelings.”

Richard Rowe is a Project Consultant for the Black Mental Health Alliance for Education and Consultation, Inc. (BMHA). He has worked at BMHA for over 30 years. He is an experienced trainer, and he has provided training and technical assistance in the areas of family strengthening, cultural enrichment, historical & contemporary trauma, and effective Black parenting to numerous public & private schools, community organizations, and … Continue reading Richard Rowe: “Find a Person you can Trust. Don’t Suppress Your Feelings.”

Ways for Young Men to Receive Help with their Mental Health

2020 has brought in a lot of anxiety and depression to young black men, not only because of the coronavirus that has killed 229,550 Americans( the number is constantly increasing) but because of the acts of violence that African Americans are facing.    According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, despite the needs, only one in three Black or African American adults who need mental health care receives it.  And  According … Continue reading Ways for Young Men to Receive Help with their Mental Health